Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, 2015. Harper, Texas. Good Fortune.

Ambition is a wonderful thing. Ken and I had ambition bred in our bones. I have no idea where it came from. It was always just there. But on the other hand, and paradoxically, we have never wanted things we could not afford. Dave and Irene helped us get our early dreams but our very good fortune was to not pine after objects or activities we could not afford. It never crossed our minds. Our plan was always to make the plan that we wanted to do that was included in our budget of the time. Our object was to figure out what we wanted to do but always in the constraints of our meager cash. We paid no attention to what we could not do, just what we were able to do at any given time. Our Salvation Army background probably helped us in that attitude, and it has served us well in the aging process too. Ken and I laugh about it but that attitude is getting more difficult, especially with the number of activities limiting both of our activities. But we still try. Ken talks about what he is able to accomplish now, even though it may take him 4 times as long, he is still able to get things done. My activities have been limited the past several months but I never discuss what I am not able to do but only what I can get done right now. I over hear seniors complaining about what they can not do any more. It is a foolish attitude and only makes them feel bad. We had the good fortune to learn young to only pay attention to what we could do but not what we were not able to accomplish due to ability or funds. It has been our great good fortune in the past and works for us in the present.


Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

Ah, me, this aging business surely should have happened when we were all young and more able.
Your blog came at the right time. I have been foolishly thinking of all the things I will not be able to do anymore. And just the other night I was "writing-in-the-book-in-my-head" about all the incredible things I have been fortunate to have done! To list a few: caring & concerned & encouraging parents! warm clothes, good food, nice homes to live in - good education, enjoyed learning and being an occupational therapist, have three fine children, five incredible grandchildren, one great-granddaughter! Amazing! And must not forget the fine friends I have had - YOU & KEN! Always thru the years -- such fine people have been in my life.
You are so right -- positive, positive - joy in my heart!

Mostly Mosaics by Martha said...

Ruth -- how do I change my "reply to" on this blog??
Should be: