Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 20, 2015. Harper, Texas. Update.

Today was another day full of appointments for me. While I visited the good doctors, Ken visited the grocery store and pharmacy so the day was productive. And on the way home we ate lunch at The Longhorn Cafe, which is always a pleasure. We left home at 8:00 so by the time we arrived home at 2:30, I was weary and promptly took a 2 hour nap. The day was interesting. The Oncologist, after looking at the numbers for my blood, suggested we delay the start of the second round of the new medicine while my body builds itself back up. Every important blood count was low. Next Tuesday, my blood will be checked again and we hope the medicine will resume. I am to take the other and older medicine, Letrozole, but the Ibrance will await another week. Also, I must have my blood checked every week, until we leave for Nova Scotia. The first appointment today was with the Neurologist, the same doctor who treated me when I lost my words and the one who is caring for Ken now that Ken has symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. He did a work up on me and decided that Yes, I had neuropothy and also weakness in my legs. My arms seemed fine except for the neuropothy.. So he suggested small ten minute bites of exercise taken during the day. Nothing strenuous or long lasting, but frequent. He also suggest I take a couple of dietary enhancements, which I have done. Next I will get tested to see what nerves are working and what is not. As I have said before, there are always more appointments. That is the update for the day. The storm knocked out the internet last night, right in the midst of posting this wee web log, but now all is well in the Hill Country, so here is the Update.

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