Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24, 2015. Canyon Lake, Texas. The Lake.

The Corps of Engineers built a dam on the Guadalupe River, forming Canyon Lake. This was in the late 60's. The Corps still maintains the lake and for the most part, they do a good job. Ten years ago, they misjudged the amount of water going through the dam and the houses flooded down river, which was not a good thing. Right now we have another interesting situation. The water going down the river is over flood stage and the Corps will not release more water, so the water level in the lake is rising one feet per hour. It has been fascinating to watch. As of 4:00, the water level has gone up six feet since noon. During the last flood, the water got so high that our shed was covered with water and our horse shoe pit was under water. This afternoon the weather was wonderful and we sat on the deck and watched the lake go up and up and up. The Corps has committed not to flood down river again, so the lake will continue to rise. The forecast next week is for rain every day so no telling how high the lake will rise. For the past several years we have had a small lake, with one summer our cove non existent. But now the lake is full and getting bigger by the minute. A platform several houses along from us was 15 feet from the water. Right now, the water is lapping at the top. If you did not see it happening, you would never believe it. David went out on the Pokeboat this morning. One of the interesting things he saw was a floating pod of ants. The ants had been ousted from their home and they bundled the eggs into the center of the mass of ants and they were floating until they found dry ground, all the while protecting their eggs. None of us had ever seen this behavior. Fascinating, and clever. The twins noticed the same thing when on the jet ski with Abigail. Right across from us is a gazebo that is about to have the water covering the sides a feet or two. I wonder if by morning that gazebo will be under water. You just never know what will happen, here at Canyon Lake.

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