Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015. Harper, Texas. A Foolish Lady.

She will make everyone who knows her miserable, but I was on my best behaviour, and did not say a word. The other day in the waiting room of the office of the Oncologist, I was sitting right opposite three ladies. One looked angry and the other two were pleasant looking. This waiting room is used for people who have checked in and are waiting for the lab or for treatment or to see the doctor. Also family and friends wait in the same area. My habit in waiting rooms is to look and eves drop but not talk. I bury my head in a magazine or my phone. This lady looked miserable. And she also looked white which means she was probably sick. It was clear from looking at her that she was not enjoying sitting in that waiting room. I kept thinking to myself and wondering how she thought about all the rest of us? And did she think she was helping her situation by being miserable? In fact, she was doing the opposite. I am told that being positive is a big factor in the success of your immune system. Her hair was long and straight and salt and pepper color. Perhaps she is angry that she will soon no longer have her lovely hair. She was a foolish lady, sitting in the waiting room last week. I wonder if she ever changes her attitude? I will watch for her in the waiting room over the next few weeks.

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