Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015. Harper, Texas. Loading The Truck.

If it was not so funny, the whole scene would be pitiful. Ken and I must improvise as there are lots of activities that we are unable to accomplish, such as carrying anything in both hands. And I certainly can not carry anything down any steps. So we have a system when loading the truck, using the two walkers. We use the seat part of the walker to carry any object. Ken stands beside the truck, which we have moved to be directly beside the porch, and I push the walker close to the truck. Ken lifts the objects from the walker and puts them into the truck, while I return to the house to load up the next walker. The process is slow and cumbersome but does get the job done. When Ken first was diagnosed with symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, I began loading the truck and all was well, until last fall when my pleural effusion rendered me so short of breath that loading the truck took four times as long as before. Of course, my competence has gotten worse so we were forced to improvise. The best part is that the tasks do get done, but very slowly. And the whole scene looks ridiculous. But we don't care how we look. We just keep pecking away at the tasks. And we laugh a lot too. I must admit that Ken swears a bit too!!

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