Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2013. Fredericksburg, Texas. Rain and Storms.

Only once were we forced to drive through flooding water and that was right in town. The forecast was for thunderstorms and heavy rain both Wednesday and Thursday so we decided to stay overnight in Fredericksburg. All night it rained so we thought that we might have difficulty getting to town this morning but we had no difficulty. The back roads have dips to allow the water to run off which means sometimes you drive through water, but not this morning. We are pleased with our decision because it is still raining. The waiting room was full of conversations about the rain. Everyone was delighted. Now the good folks in the Hill Country want a good rain with a massive run off in order to fill up the tanks and the lakes. They understand they are getting greedy but they all agreed that there had been no flooding for over 15 years, so it was time. My appointment today was to have my blood checked, so John did his excellent task of withdrawing blood from me in the Oncologists office. He does a fine job. This Oncologist wants you to await the results and then have a brief consultation of the results with one of the nurses. For me, my numbers were down from last week so she told me to be extreme;y careful with contacting infections, which I already do and to come into the hospital if I see any bleeding. Now I have a week with no medication except the hormone and hope my body will recover the cells. I see the Oncologist next Wednesday to begin the second bout of the new medication. We hope it is doing the job. I certainly have a bunch of side effects!!

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