Friday, May 10, 2019

May 10, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Graduation Day.

Our Kate graduated this afternoon from Mississippi College. I was beaming with pride as she walked across the stage. And she graduated Cum Laud. She now has a Batchelor of Science degree in Nursing. Next Kate will write the RN boards to become a Registered Nurse. She has already accepted a position at the University of Mississippi Hospital, working on the Cardiology floor. Kate was ready to be finished with nursing school. She has been attentive and diligent. Now she is pleased to be finished. The College cleverly graduated the students in small groups so today was just for the nursing school. The decision was a blessing for parents and friends because the graduation was finished on 75 minutes. And the speeches were blessedly short. So the whole graduation was done efficiently. Kashina came to the graduation so she drove me. We arrived just ten minutes prior to the celebration and were able to sit on comfortable chair in perfect sight of the speakers. And I had a perfect view of Kate as she sat with her fellow student in their chairs on the floor of the coliseum. The original plan was for the graduation to be held outdoors but the weather forecast was for rain so on Wednesday the decision was made to move the ceremony indoors, which was a great. blessing for me. Kashina and I wisely left as the last hymn was sung to avoid the crush of people. Kate asked to dine on Japanese food to celebrate. And she asked to eat at home. We celebrated in style, toasting Kate with champagne. Linda provided the dinner feast and picked up the food while I just enjoyed the evening. I had a wonderful time talking to the family and dining on good food. Peter flew in for the graduation but will go home tomorrow to attend his daughters recital. Now that Ken is not here to answer or medications questions, Kate will be the medical expert of the family. We are all delighted with her accomplishments and I give hearty congratulations to our dear Kate.

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