Tuesday, May 14, 2019

May 14, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Mother's Day.

I have become a bit of a freeloader. Easter dinner found me at the home of Linda Creath, the Mother of Christina, my daughter in law. And I spent Mother's Day there too. I enjoyed the food and the company. Our happy group consisted of Linda, Christina, Kate, Mary Frances, Molly and me. I overheard a funny conversation while sitting on a bench waiting for my Lyft. I had attended church at The Salvation Army and a group of ladies were waiting to go out for lunch together, along with four retired officers. The group go out for Sunday lunch together each week, using a Salvation Army van so they could all go together. Evidently, they visit different restaurants but last Sunday, on Mother's Day, they were gong to Wendy's because "no one would take their Mother to Wendy's for a special dinner," one said. Brilliant idea. My day was lovely. Brad, a friend of David and Andrew from school called to chat. We talked for 45 minutes, catching up on everything under the sun. Son David called to wish me Happy Mother's Day. And we talked too. Nothing pleases me more than talking to David on the phone. And I loved chattering away with Brad too. I enjoy talking on the phone. I know telephone talk is out of fashion. People text rather than talk. But I love friends to phone me. It pleases me to hear the voice. My Mother's Day was pleasant. My Father did not approve of the day. "Mothers should be honored every day, not just once a year." said Norman Buckley. But on Sunday we honored Mothers present and past. And we were grateful for our Mothers and Grandmothers and remembered them in our prayers.

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