Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Mondays.

Mondays are an open day for me. No one comes to work here at home and I have no fixed appointments. My friend Alice Anne suggested to me that from now on, what happens to me must be manufactured by me. "Nothing will occur without your decisions," said Alice Anne. Ken was a person with hundreds of ideas so often he would think of what we wanted us to do and I would put the plan into action. Now I must do both. I find something to do on a Monday. Last week I invited Greta Barbour to have lunch with me today at Amerigo, her favorite restaurant. I took a Lyft and met her there. When I use Lyft, I never know if the driver will arrive in 6 minutes or 15 so I must assume for 15 so as not to be late. I do not like to be late when I am the hostess. I am usually early so by now have memorized the menu. The luncheon date breaks up my long day when I am alone. Greta Barbour is a good friend and we had a lively conversation. And we ate good food. Greta Barbour has a strong willed 15 year old daughter, who I like very much. On Saturday, the daughter had a piano competition at 9:00. At breakfast she announced that she would not go. After a talk with her father she decidied to go and play, and she did. And she did well. She is playing in another competition this weekend but this one will be fine. Her pieces are harder and she likes them. When all was said and done, she did not like the piece she was playing because it was too easy for her. So Greta Barbour and I enjoyed discussing the joys and perils of living with strong willed children. And Greta Barbour brought me home. After my short nap, I went walking in the neighborhood. That ended my Monday. My evenings are all the same and work well for me. I am still wearing my evening gown. Today my Monday was excellent.

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