Saturday, May 4, 2019

May 4, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Simple Pleasures.

Last Thursday, my BSF group went out to lunch together. I was sitting beside our group leader. During the conversation, she asked me if I ever started the day feeling grumpy. I said no and the conversation moved on to other things. Later in the day, I wondered why I do not get grumpy. And I decided that when I was a young adult, I learned the value of simple pleasure each day that made me feel good, so I never dwelt on the difficulty of the day. I found that the little things make you feel good each day, not necessarily the big events. Every Wednesday when I came home from teaching, I stopped into a tiny convenience store across the street from the hardware store where we lived. I bought a fresh loaf of rye break for 19 cents. The lady who ran the store was handicapped and sit on a stool behind the counter. She was friendly. The fresh bread only came on Wednesday. As we were poor, the 19 cent expenditure was a big deal. But it was delicious. And that simple pleasure gave me a sense of joy, way above any real value. This morning I ate a slice of multi grain toast covered with creamed cheese, along with raspberries, strawberries and walnuts. The whole plate pleased me, just looking at it for my breakfast. And the cook Dreisys came this morning with my food for the week. She cooks at home, now that she has a new baby so she only stays 15 minutes or so, but it pleases me to see her. I am pleased to have my meals brought to me but the bigger part is the short visit. I have always been able to find some simple event to keep giving me pleasure. This is especially true in the Spring, when the whole world becomes a magical place. Certainly, no need to be grumpy. I just find something simple to give me pleasure. Then all will be well.

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