Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. A Graduation Party.

The graduation Party was splendid. I sat in a comfortable chair in the family room adjacent to the kitchen and stayed there all evening. The group in the room rotated so by the time I was ready to leave I had talked to everyone present. The party was for Ian and Godfrey, twin sons of friends Eleanor and Jim. Next year they will attend Mississippi College but for now they are celebrating their graduation from high school. The house is a wonderful place for a party and I always enjoy being in that home. It is a special place. I took a Lyft there and Christina brought me home. Eleanor is a wonderful cook and we ate her good cooking of pulled pork barbecue sandwiches, brisket, potato salad, Cole slaw and baked beans. Brownies for dessert. Delicious food. And good company. I got to talk with every one I know and like. The evening was wonderful. Christina brought me a plate of food along with a dessert. So all I did all evening was talk with friends. The children stopped by to say hello but they stayed on the balcony or basketball court. These home schooled kids know how to look after themselves. Two other cousins graduated from high school this year. One daughter will attend the University of Mississippi at Oxford. Another will attend a Junior College and will take welding. These young peole are getting on with their lives. It is very exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed the celebration and was delighted to be invited. They are their parents are my Mississippi friends and for them I am grateful.

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