Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 8, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. My Day.

This evening is going to end with a Big Bang. The rain and wind have both started up. A tornado watch is in place. A big thunder storm is coming. Up until now, my day was quiet. But now it will be busy and noisy. Yesterday I had an ultra sound test of my right carrotted artery. My left is blocked so the Cardiologist wants to be sure the right stays open. When we first moved here he wanted the test every 6 months. I convinced him that every year should be OK and perhaps every 2 years. He has agreed. If there is no change , he agrees that every 2 years is OK. So in 2021 I must have another test. But not before. Nifty. Today I did what I am not supposed to do when I live alone. I stayed home all day. by myself. And I did not leave the house, even to get the mail. I am still in my nightshirt. Horrors. But I got a lot done. I am beginning to organize for the summer. And I sorted the pile of mail needing attention. The older I get the more time I need to get ready for a trip. So I plan ahead. I do not know why but the day before I leave for a journey my brain stops working. So I have set my case on the dining table and already have put in the Canadian money. So my day was valuable. And I read all morning. Now I want to end this wee web log before the Big Bang, when I might not have power. First I must get a flashlight. This storm sounds big. But my day was pleasant and productive. Hurrah for me.

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