Thursday, May 9, 2019

May 9, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Another Storm.

The forecast was for a storm this morning. Friend Linda called me to tell me that she was staying home from BSF because the storm was beginning to kick up in her neighborhood. Being a Canadian, I decided to call for my Lyft. By the time he arrived 6 minutes later the rain was pelting down. The poor driver was forced to drive very slowly in order to see anything. Then the tornado sirens went off, coming through the radio and his cell phone. I began to think this decision to go out was not smart. The driver took me right to the portico of the church but the rain was falling so hard and the wind brought the rain sideways, I got wet even though I was undercover. I was wearing a rain coat too. A Man helped me into the church and took me down the hall on the first floor. As the tornado siren was still on, everyone had been taken to an interior room, the safest room in the building. Very soon the all clear was sounded and we went upstairs. It rained so hard you could not hear across the room. Then the signal was set for flash floods. But as we were on the second floor we stayed in our place. For over an hour the rain fell hard, just pelting on the roof and windows. But by the time we were ready to leave, it was merely spitting. Charlene drove me home in her SUV, which was a good thing because we drove through high spots on the roads. On both sides of Rice Road adjacent to the Reservoir the ground had several feet of sitting water. I got home with no trouble but I was happy to be home safe and sound. My decision to call Lyft was probably not the smartest decision of my life. It was exciting driving to BSF and the driver was not nervous. He just slowed down. These storms in Mississippi are interesting but most Mississippians just stay home. But not me. The show must go on.

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