Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019. Canyon Lake, Texas. Dinner.

Our plan was to go out to dinner but when I called the best restaurant in Canyon Lake, I discovered that they were closed on Tuesday. Gennaro's is a wonderful Italian bistro. Three years ago we ate there so Marilyn and Tuppen were looking forward to dining there but no luck. My next option was a new restaurant in the old bakery but they are only open for dinner on Friday and Saturday. Once again, no luck. We discussed options which were all on the other side of the lake, which meant more driving. Marilyn suggested ordering pizza. I recommended that we raid the fridge. Suzanne kindly left me lots of food, which included a rotisserie chicken along with the left over vegetables from Sunday dinner. We three got busy. Tuppen cut up the chicken, Marilyn sautéed the vegetables and I set the table. We ate a delicious dinner which took us ten minutes to prepare. And we ate fresh cut vegetables left over too. After dinner we sat on the deck enjoying the cool air and breeze. They drank a cup of coffee. No dessert for us last night. We three were pleased with our decision to stay home and enjoy Suzanne's gifts. Finally we were forced inside because it felt too cool. The temperature was 75. Our dinner was simple and easy. And it hit the spot.

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