Saturday, May 25, 2019

May 25, 2019. Canyon Lake, Texas. Upgrades.

In my absence a new fence has been installed in the back yard. When we first bought the lake house we put in a chain link fence to keep in the dogs and the child. It was ugly but was cost effective and did the job. Last year David and Suzanne replaced that ugly fence. Now we have a beautiful iron fence, which is a definite upgrade. They both decided that it was time. And Moose can not open the latch on the gate down by the water. The second upgrade I noted upon arrival was the cutlery. We had been using inferior flat ware ever since we bought the place. Odds and ends were brought from Suzanne's grandmother, our farm and from Suzanne's parents cast offs. And we were always running out of forks or spoons. But no more. Suzanne bought multiple dozens of cutlery. Now they are arranged in the kitchen drawers opposite the dishwasher. We are set for whomever comes to dine. Once again, a definite upgrade. The last time we were here in 2017, Ken needed more tables close to him. And we had moved our clothes from the ranch to the lake house so we moved two chests into our bedroom plus one bedside table. The function worked well for Ken but when I looked at the room last evening I knew the room was too full. Today Suzanne and David removed two chests and one piano bench from the room. The room now looks just as it used to look and is no longer crowded. I am pleased. Again the room is an upgrade. David and Suzanne have just gone to the Marina to pick up their boat which was new in 2018. It is a good sized pontoon boat. David got rid of his last boat a few years ago but last year he sold the two jet boats and purchased a family sized boat. The engine is fast enough for water skiing and tubing and will carry many people comfortably. I am not sure I will be able to get on and off the boat so perhaps I will admire it from afar. Once again, this boat is an upgrade for the family.., The lake house is looking up.

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