Yesterday morning, very early, we had a terrible storm. Loud thunder. Bright lightning. Torrential rain. But I went back to sleep. When I awoke, I was without power. No electricity. So we carried on with our day and did fine, expecting that the company would restore the system any time. But they did not. The whole Jackson area was without electricity. My big issue was my phone. I was going to run out of power which would mean that I could not alert anyone that I needed help. Donna my neighbor came over about 6:00 to check on me and she hooked up my fancy system to charge my phone. I had already set it in my case to take to NS but I did not know if it was fully charged, which it was. Whew. One problem solved.
Immediately when I woke up, it was dark, so I started to use my lanterns and I carried them around on my walker all last evening. They were a godsend. I stole the idea from Wendy when I spotted two at her house two years ago. When I got home, I ordered four and gave two to Christina. All last evening, in the pitch black, I was able to get around safely because of my two lanterns. During the afternoon I read, sitting by the window but at night I really needed those little lanterns. This was the first time since we ordered then that I needed them. But I needed them yesterday. I became the lady with the lamp.
This morning at 7:45, the power was restored. Praise be to God.
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