Saturday, October 30, 2021

October 30, 2021. Madison, Mississippi. Bo.

Bo G. was a good friend to Andrew. They fished together, often in their kayaks. He is also married to our Internal Medicine doctor, who specializes in Geriatrics. And they both are member of First Presbaterian church, which Chritina and the family attend. So I know Bo from many direction. In addition to all our connections, he has also been attentive to me since Andrew's death, which I have appreciated. We go out to lunch at least once each time I in Mississippi. He texts me regularly to make sure that I am OK. And every year on the date of Andrews birthday, he phones me. Bo is a good fellow. On Friday we went out to lunch. We ate at Anjou, the lovely French restaurant near the Renaissance. His office is close by so it is convenient. I took a Lyft there and Bo drove me home. Bo is an attorney who specializes in marital disputes. He tells me that he does not get involved emotionally with the process. He just tries to do the best for his cliets. Last Spring when we met for lunch, he had just moved to a new partnership. He reported on Friday that he made an excellent choice so he is pleased with his practice. Also last time we discussed the pros and cons of owning country property. He and Cathy were trying to decide whether or not they should buy a big property in the country. The property had been in the family for many years and it was going to be divided. On Friday, he was pleased to report that they are proud owners of 180 acres of land, mostly hard wood. And for hunting purposes, he has acess to the other 800 acres of family land. So we celebrated. And then he drove me home. And thus ended a delightful lunch with Bo.

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