Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 10, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Kate's Birthday Gift.

Both Kate and Mary Frances had birthdays when I was in Mexico so we celebrated at brunch, the first Sunday I was here. I had checked with Christina to see if the girls wanted to receive money or take a shopping spree. Kate selected shopping because she will be in yet another wedding party and she needs a dress for the rehearsal dinner plus several other events. The wedding is in June. Today was the day selected for our shopping excursion. Christina came with us. There is nothing better in life than spending time with your granddaughter, especially when she is enthusiastic and excited. We had a wonderful time. Our routine is for me to sit just outside a dressing room and wait for Kate to come out with yet another garment. First Kate and Christina select the possible clothes. Kate did not need casual clothes. She needed fancy duds. As she is tall, many dresses do not fit so she must try on many many dresses to find one the will fit. Dresses are being worn short but on Kate, that means too short so many dresses looked beautiful on Kate and fit perfectly...but they came to just below her buttocks so they would not work. But she did well and she selected several pretty dresses that she will be able to wear for many years. She was very pleased. We always end of shopping adventures by going out for lunch. We dined at a new Asian restaurant, one that serves Janapee, Chinese, Korean and Thai food. The food was delicious and once again, we enjoyed ourselves. Our birthday gift was a big success.

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