Monday, March 7, 2022

March 7, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Odds and Ends.

The Ibrance will be coming tomorrow, God willing if the creek does not rise. The chemo is coming directly from the company...with no copay. Such a blessing. Today Kashina and I ran errands, after my eye doctor appointment. One of the items on my list was to take my white capri pants to have a new elastic. I told her the white pants were by the front door. She looked everywhere and finally asked me whether they were the same pants as the pink ones. I just laughted and reminded her that once upon a time they were white. Dr. Kosko only works with advanced glaucoma patients. He is a very nice young man who has four children. They are all going to Maine in June and they might come to visit me in Nova Scotia. They would take the ferry. I told him my expectations when I go to the eye doctor. All my life, after an appointment with the opthamologist my eyes got better. Newer glasses meant better vision. I could see the blackboard better. He was sorry to tell me that would not happen with me. But he did change my prescription so I should actually be able to see better. Kashina and I tool all my stuff to the CPA on the way home from the appointment. Another box checked off. Christina ordered me a 3 wheel walker, similat to the one friend Cliffie used last summer. They are lighter and smaller. In the doctor's office this morning I saw a young lady using one. They take up little space. It just lacks a seat but as I have no intention of using the seat I won't miss it. And that is all I know tonight.

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