Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March 30, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Odds and Ends.

Today I had a chest XRay. It was clear. My cough is not totally gone but it is clearly much better. Hurrah for me. The Ibrance seems to be working because my immune system has fallen. White cells at 2. Now if it is also working on the cancer in my bones I will be very happy. It has worked in the past. Friend David N. is home in Liverpool. Now he must eat good food, rest and gain his strength gradually. I spoke to him on the phone and his voice is strong. He is used to bulling through the task at hand but he can not do than now. He must exercise in bits. He is so pleased to be home. And he is looking forward to going on the cruise. Today we had yet another storm. Schools were closed at noon. The wind was unbelivably loud. And the heavy rain came sideways, parallel to the ground. Finally just heavy rain without the wind. One good thing with Mississippi storms in their duration. They do not last long. My house is a perfect place to watch and hear the storm. The physical therapy is going well. She comes twice a week. It certainly should help although the therapist is going to give me more work with balance. My legs are sore the day after a session, which is good. Now I must keep those exercises going after I leave Mississippi. I still keep up my walking: never over 6,000 steps a day and never less than 3,000. My boot means that I do not injure my tendon. Now I seldom feel a sharp pain. It must be getting better too. Soon I may be perfect!!

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