Thursday, March 24, 2022

March 24, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Underpants.

Wonderful Wendy pointed it out to me. She said that I needed to buy new underpants. The truth was that I had not purchased underpants for 20 years but I had not noticed that they were showing their age. I had kept underwear at every house we own so I had purchased lots of underpants and distributed them so I did not need to carry any with me. I always carried 6 pair of black underpants with me just incase I got stuck at a hotel. Then when the properties sold, I just moved the underwear to another house. So eventually, I had lots of underpants in every place. Except for Mexico. One year in Mexico I used too much bleach when I was first washing my underwear and all the elastic disappeared. I wore them for a while, but eventually I threw them out. I still had three pair in Mexico and along with the six pair I carry with me, that was the extent of my underpants. Of course, I had not noticed. Wendy reported that even my black pants were old and stretched. When I came home, Christina helped me order new underpants, as instructed by Wendy. We selected well. I am now the proud owner of 12 pair of underpants, all in different colors. And they fit perfectly. I wear a different pair every day. Kashine urged me to throw out all my old underwear but I declined. One day I will sort through my drawer, but I am not ready to pitch those old friends. I know I have lots of underpants in Nova Scotia. And Texas too. I must use my new ones on the cruise this May. But I am set for the next 20 years. I should never need to buy more underpants again. After all, I am 84.

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