Friday, March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. The Weather.

Kashine changes my sheets every Wednesday. The first week I was here, we discussed the flannel sheets. Was it time to switch nthe bed clothes to regular cotton sheets? We checked the temperatures on our phone and decided to keep those flanel sheets on the bed. Every week we have the same conversation. And every Wednesday she puts the flannel sheets back on the bed. And a good thing too because we are in for some real weather. For three days after my arrival home in Mississippi it was cold, in the 50s during the day. But then I have enjoyed temperatures in the 70s. But that is about to change. Tonight the temperature will get to 36 degrees. Tomorrow we will see a high of 43. Then on Sunday and Monday, the night time temperatures will go to 27 degrees, which is colder that Mississippi ever gets. Crazy weather. I am told by my friends and family that the whole winter was similar. First it was warm, followed by severe cold. Then back to warm. I am grateful that my house is warm and that my bed still has flannel sheets. I will be warm and cozy. The best part of living in Mississippi is that by Wednesday, the temperatures will return to the 70s. This time, we will doubtless experience no more below freezing temperatures. Eventually, Kashine will change the sheets to regular cotton sheets. Perhaps Wednesday will be the day.

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