Monday, March 28, 2022

May 28, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Wednesday Television.

Last Wednesday I watched television at its best. The content was informative and the pictures were delightful. Both programs got high marks from me. I have been enjoying them in my mind ever sice. The first hour was an edition of Nature, which airs in Mississippi every week at 7:00. Every program is worth watching but last Wednesday was a marvel. Butterflies were the topic of the hour. I not only learned everything about Butterlfies but I also saw wonderful pictures. The life cycle of a butterfly is complicated and I got to watch the whole thing. I think it can be seen on the internet, on the PBS web site. The hour long program just fley by. Nova follows Nature on PBS on Wednesday. Some times the topics are so esoteric that I do not watch but last week the topic was slime. It was fascinating. Slime is a one celled creature. But it is able to do all kinds on interesting things. The researchers who have studied slime have discovered lots of aspects of slime that no one knew anything about. I could go on and on about what they discovered about slime but I will juust bore you. But it was fascinating. That program can also be seen on the PBS website. The program was fascinating perhaps because I knew nothing about slime. Once again, hats off to PBS for two hours of educated entertainment.

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